To: From: [required-email] Subject: Labrador Retriever Puppy Referral Questionnaire Name: [required-name] Street: [required-street] City, State, Zip: [required-location] E-Mail: [required-email] Phone Number: [required-phone] Fax Number: [fax] Desired Sex: [sex] Desired Color: [color] Limited Registration: [spayneuter] Children at Home Ages: [children] Children OK with dogs: [otherdogs] Type of Housing: [housing] Own or Rent: [ownership] Fenced Yard: [fence] If not, what security: [security] Someone home days: [working] Puppy spends day: [day] Family contact day: [daycontact] Puppy spends evening: [evening] Family contact evening: [evecontact] Puppy sleeps where: [sleep] Ever owned Lab: [ownedlab] What other breeds: [otherbreeds] Still have the dogs: [stillown] If no, what happened: [whathappened] Deceased, circumstances: [deceased] Primary responsibility: [primarycare] Whole family agrees: [agree] Who disagrees & why: [disagree] Veterinarian Info: [vet] Additional Comments: [comments]